No. | Project Title and Investigators | Dept | Objective(s) | Funder/Collaborating Partners | Cost (currency) | Start Date-End Date |
1 | Using parasite genomics to identify patterns of malaria transmission at different spatial scales in high and low transmission zones to achieve and sustain malaria control and elimination in Zambia. Mr Hawela Moonga NMEP, Mr Sydney Mwanza , Dr Edgar Simulundu Macha Dr Daniel Bridges PATH | Biomedical Sciences | Determining connectivity of parasite populations across a country Identify patterns of focal parasite transmission in areas of low prevalence with a view to identifying drivers of transmission and importation eventsReview patterns of parasite transmission targeting cross-border imported malaria | SADC Malaria Elimination 8 University of California San Frascico | $200,000 | February 2023 |
2 | Evaluation of a new Indoor Residual Spray SyngentaIRS, against resistant, field collected Anopheles funestus and An. gambiae, and insectary reared, susceptible Anopheles gambiae (KISUMU strain): small community trials in Zambia Mbanga Muleba Javan Chanda Westone Hamwata Bertha K. Chanshika | Biomedical Sciences | 1.Evaluate the efficacy of SyngentaIRS against multi-resistant Anopheles funestus and An. gambiae in various house types in Nchelenge and Ndola, Zambia. 2.Determine the persistence of SyngentaIRS’s insecticidal action against Anopheles gambiae KISUMU strain over time using WHO cone assays. 3.Establish baseline susceptibility of Anopheles funestus and An. gambiae to Syngenta compared to pyrethroid-susceptible An. gambiae KISUMU using WHO/CDC testing and LD50 levels. 4.Assess the effect of SyngentaIRS on indoor resting and biting densities of local malaria vector mosquitoes. | Syngenta | $180, 372.29 | February 2024 – |
3 | Investigating the effect of transfluthrin-treated eave ribbons on anopheleine populations in Nchelenge Douglas Norris Mary Gerbhard Mbanga Muleba | Biomedical Sciences | Aim 1: Measure reductions in anopheline abundance and mosquito parasite infection inside and around households treated with transfluthrin-treated eave ribbons in Nchelenge, Zambia. Aim 2. Examine the insecticidal effect of transfluthrin-treated eaves on An. funestus and An. gambiae from Nchelenge Aim 3: Determine longevity, acceptability, and feasibility of using transfluthrin-treated eave ribbons as a malaria intervention in Nchelenge, Zambia | ICEMR | $3,000.00 | February 2024 – |
4 | Human Volatilomics for malaria control Conor McMeniman Stephanie Rankin-Turner Mbanga Muleba | Biomedical Sciences | Aim 1: Perform human whole body odor sampling to identify chemical features associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection. Aim 2: Perform skin, oral and nasal microbiome sampling to identify microbial species associated with Plasmodium falciparum infection. | JHU | $11, 400 | March 2024 – |
5 | Assessment of the biting behaviour of malaria vectors in Macha and Nchelenge, two regions with contrasting malaria transmission settings in Zambia Douglas Norris Mbanga Muleba Mary Gebhardt Edgar Simulundu William Moss | Biomedical Sciences | 1. To compare the spatial and temporal areas of risk for malaria transmission in two different transmission settings in Zambia using human landing catches. 2. Assess the hourly biting patterns and biting preferences of the vectors in both settings, including whether they readily feed on humans and prefer to bite indoors or outdoors. 3. Identify spatial and temporal areas of risk for humans by performing direct observation studies on participants. | JHSPH, NIH, ICEMR | US$3930.50 | |
6 | Evaluation of Vitamin A Absorption: Fortified Bouillon vs Oil-Based Supplement” PI USA- Sherry A. Tanumihardjo, PhD .Co-Is Bryan M. Gannon, PhD. Luke Funk, MD, MPH. PI Zambia: Justin Chileshe, PhD | Biomedical Sciences | The study aims to evaluate PFH-VAP’s effectiveness in delivering vitamin A through a bouillon medium, analyzing the absorption kinetics of retinol, and comparing its cost-effectiveness and vitamin A response against a standard oil-based vitamin A and a commercial product, considering stability during storage and cooking. | PFH RFP | US$ 57,385 | August 01, 2023 |
7 | Development of a “Wonder Woman” Kinetic Model and Evaluation of Liver Reserve Cutoffs for Vitamin A Status PI – Justin Chileshe | Biomedical Sciences | To provide new knowledge on how to use the retinol isotope dilution technique in larger population surveys to assess vitamin A status from deficiency to excess. | IAEA | $ 50,000 | 2021 |
8 | Zambia Multiple Micro-Nutrient Supplementation (ZMMS) Project. PI – Justin Chileshe, PhD; Ng’andwe Kalungwana, PhD; Shepherd Khondowe, MPH; Kelvin Kapungu, MPH; David Mwakazanga, BA; World Vision Zambia; World Vision USA; Vitamin Angels USA. | Biomedical Sciences and Public Health | The project aims to assess the current status of Iron Folic Acid/Multiple Micronutrient Supplement (IFA/MMS) through a baseline survey, followed by a midline evaluation addressing gaps and emergent research areas. Additionally, it includes a cost study and ongoing implementation research to inform the Zambian government about the expenses related to IFA and MMS. | Power of Nutrition, USA through World Vision Zambia | $ 215,000 | 2023 |
9 | Strengthening TB diagnostic capacity and disease surveillance Ngula M Kabelenga, Olipa S Phiri, Mathias Tembo, Mutende W Mwamba | Biomedical Sciences | To determine 2nd line phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST) | Global fund & MOH | US$18,000 | 2024 |
10 | Breath Biomarker Platform Development for Diagnosing Tuberculosis PI: Dr G. Chongwe Co-investigators: Dr. W. Chewe Dr J. Chileshe Dr NM Kabelenga Aliness Mwilaba Dombola Kabelenga Siame Innocent Bwalya Chilumba | Biomedical Sciences | To develop a non-invasive, rapid triage TB test for both adults and children | Bill and Melinda Gates foundation | $100,000 | 2024-2025 |
11 | Molecular characterization of non-tuberculous Mycobacteria in the Northern Region of Zambia – Copperbelt, North-western and Luapula provinces PI: Olipa Soko Co-investigators: Dr N. Chisompolo Dr NM. Kabelenga Kabengele K Siame | Biomedical Sciences | To characterize non-tuberculous mycobacteria clinical isolates from northern region of Zambia | ACIEDHA | Scholarship | November 2023 |
12 | Quality improvement project on reducing high MGIT culture contamination rate to acceptable levels. Mr. Christopher Mundia Dr, NM Kabelenga Olipa S Phiri Diana Kana Allan Chonde Mathias Tembo | Biomedical Sciences | To determine and control factors contributing to high MGIT culture contamination. | MOH/JICA | ZMW120,000.00 | April 2023 |
13 | Flexible Serological Surveillance System in Zambia: Household Serosurvey PI Dr. Gershom Chongwe, Prof. Bill Moss, Dr. Simon Mutembo, Christine Prosperi, Bwalya Chilumba Innocent – TDRC | Biomedical Sciences and Public Health | To assess the serological prevalence of Tetanus, Measles, Rubella and SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in Ndola. | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health | US $236,859.21 | February 2022 |
14 | SISS project – Measles testing of 2024 ZDHS samples PI Dr. Gershom Chongwe, Prof. Bill Moss, Dr. Simon Mutembo, Christine Prosperi, Dr. Gina Mulundu, Bwalya Chilumba Innocent, Evans Betha | Biomedical Sciences/UTH virology laboratory | To assess the serological prevalence of measles in a country-wide sample. | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health | $ 21,990.96 | January 2024 |
15 | PhD Title: The effects of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance biomarkers on antenatal peripheral malaria infection and placental parasitaemia and chorioamnionitis at delivery in an area of high malaria transmission in Nchelenge, Zambia PI- Ephraim Chikwanda (Student) Supervisors- Primary Supervisor-Dr. Enesia B. Chaponda (UNZA) Co-supervisors- Dr. Matthew Chico (LSHTM) Prof. Sody Munsaka (UNZA) Dr. Justin Chileshe (TDRC) | Biomedical Sciences Department | To characterise the effects of genetic mutations associated with Plasmodium falciparum resistance to SP and DP on peripheral malaria infection during the antenatal period, and placental parasitaemia and chorioamnionitis at delivery | | ZMW800,000 | 2023 |
16 | Population Exposure to Arboviruses and Vaccine-Preventable Diseases in Zambia: A Nested Serologic Study within ZAMPHIA. PI Dr. Gershom Chongwe, Prof. Bill Moss, Dr. Simon Mutembo, Saki Takahashi, Christine Prosperi, Bwalya | Biomedical Sciences and Public Health | To determine the population exposure to vaccine preventable diseases (Diphtheria, Chikungunya, Tetanus and measles) viruses through analysis of a subsample of the ZAMPHIA 2016 specimens. | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health | US $34,999.86 | May 2023 |
17 | Severe Malaria A Research and Trials consortium: A protocol for a prospective observational study (SMAART) PI: Dr. Mike Chaponda. Co-Investigator: Dr Jonathan Gwasupika | Clinical Sciences | To characterize the epidemiology of severe malaria cases presenting to hospital for admission in children in Africa. | Funder: Wellcome Trust Sponsor: Imperial College | £380,853.85 | December 2021 |
18 | International Centres of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) Project PI-Dr Mike Chaponda, Co PI Mr Mbanga Muleba | Clinical Sciences, Biomedical Sciences | Overall, the project aims to provide knowledge on malaria control from different transmission patterns in southern and central Africa. For TDRC, the study provides insight on why high transmission is sustained in Nchelenge district despite the various interventions employed by the ministry of health and its partners. | National Institutes of Health (NIH) through JHU, Macha Research Trust, Biomedical Research and Training Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe, University of Witwatersrand, University Protestante au Congo, Kinshasa, DRC. | $420,000 | 1st April 2017 to |
19 | Field study of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of artemisinin-based combination therapy for gametocyte clearance in Zambian children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria (PHARCIDE), PI-Dr JB Kabuya | Clinical Sciences | To model the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) profiles of artemether-lumefantrine (AL) and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP) for gametocyte clearance | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public health with funding from the NIH | First grant 2017/2: $49,000, Sub-grant/award 2019/10: $ 60,199, An additional amount of $ awaited from the sponsor | 15th Feb 2017 |
20 | Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent Presumptive Treatment in pregnancy with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine using Rapid Diagnostic Test Screening And Treatment at First Antenatal Care Visit, PI-Dr. Jean-Bertin Bukasa Kabuya, Co-Investigator Dr. Christine Manyando | Clinical Sciences, Public health | To evaluate the impact of adding, at first ANC, mRDT screening and treatment with DHA-PQ to the current IPTp-SP (IPTp-SP+) on IPT-SP efficacy at clearing maternal peripheral parasitemia and at preventing maternal anemia, LBW and neonatal mortality. | European and Developing Countries Clinical Trial Partnership (EDCTP) through TDRC | € 149,999.33 | 26/04/2019 |
21 | Clinical and Translational Investigations of Severe Malaria Pathophysiology PI: Dr JB Kabuya Co-Investigator Dr. Michael Nambozi | Clinical Sciences, | Aims to Validate novel biomarkers of cerebral malaria (CM) pathogenesis to predict disease development and clinical prognosis, Characterize the cardiopulmonary physiology of patients with severe malaria with respiratory distress (SMRD) to identify new disease phenotypes of severe malaria toward updating case management. Aim 2. Test the effectiveness of a platelet-directed transfusion strategy to improve survival in children with severe malaria. | Johns Hopkins Malaria Institute with funding from the NIH | $165,000 | 01st Dec 2021 |
22 | Severe malaria treatment with rectal Artesunate and artemisinin-based combination therapy in remote settings Dr C Manyando Dr M Nambozi Dr S Hachizovu | Clinical Sciences/ Public Health | To evaluate the implementation of RAS policy by community health workers/volunteers/assistants in children 6 months – 6 years in remote/non referral areas and its effectiveness on reducing the severe malaria burden as compared to referred severe malaria patients (treated with injectable artesunate) | EDCTP/European Union | $1,300,000 | April 2023 – |
23 | Global Health Research Group on Digital Diagnostics for African Health Systems PhD Title: Evaluation of point of care digital diagnostic tool in malaria chemoprevention in pregnant women in the context of parasite resistance to sulphadoxine pyrimethamine in a malaria high transmission area of Zambia, PI: Dr. Christine Manyando Co-Investigator/PhD student: Dr. Jean-Bertin Kabuya. Investigators: Dr. Sebastian Hachizovu, Mr. Sydney Mwanza | Public Health, Clinical and Biomedical Sciences. | To develop an evidence-base to support the development, implementation, and impact of digital diagnostic technology in African health systems, for Malaria, childhood febrile illness and environmental pathogens. To predict the incremental benefit of using a point of care digital diagnostic “current” Lacewing on the performance of screen-and-treat/hybrid strategies in MIP and to evaluate its use and performance for detection of malaria parasites, species differentiation and detection of anti-malarial resistance mutations for the control of malaria in pregnancy. | NIHR through the Imperil College in UK. | £168, 259.00 | August 2022 – |
24 | Leveraging HIV infrastructure to implement cervical cancer prevention: A study to integrate HPV vaccination in adolescent HIV clinics in Zambia. Sam Miti, Jean M. Hunleth, Gershom Chongwe, Aliness Dombola & Michelle Silver | Public Health | To Identify the barriers and facilitators that influence HPV vaccine uptake, Use Implementation Mapping to translate stakeholder feedback and findings from Aim 1 into selection of implementation strategies to integrate HPV vaccination into HIV clinics and Conduct a hybrid type 3 effectiveness-implementation trial to evaluate the selected package of strategies for integrating HPV vaccination into HIV clinics | NIH | $1,312,330.00 | November 2022- |
25 | Impact of male circumcision on the risk of HIV infection among the national male population by applying PSM on observation data. David Mwakazanga Supervisors: Prof. dr. Stijn Vansteelandt (UGent), Prof. Seter Siziya (CBU), Dr Gershom Chongwe (TDRC) | Public Health | To infer the causal impact of the Zambian MOH VMMC policy on the risk of HIV infections among the national male population by applying PSM on observational data | HIV Research Trust (UK) | US$5,000 | January 2022 |
26 | A clinical Trial to establish the effectiveness of daily co-trimoxazole prophylaxis for prevention of malaria in pregnancy, Principal Investigator: Dr. Christine Manyando, Co-Investigators: Mr. Mbindo Njunju | Public Health, | The primary objective is to establish that in HIV negative pregnant women Cotrimoxazole (CTX) prophylaxis is non-inferior to SP-IPTp in terms of birth weight at delivery or within 24 hours. Other objectives to estimate the prevalence of placental, neonatal death rate. | Belgian Development Cooperation through Institute of Tropical Medicine | Euros 321,000 | Sep, 2011 |
27 | Assessing the feasibility and the effectiveness of school vaccination checks in identifying under-vaccinated children. PI William Moss and Dr. Gershom Chongwe | Public Health | To evaluate the feasibility and the effectiveness of school vaccination checks in identifying under-vaccinated children | GAVI | $ 741,612.57 | January 2021- |
28 | A multicenter, open-label, single-arm study to evaluate the PK, safety, tolerability and efficacy of a new artemether lumefantrine (2.5 mg:30 mg) dispersible tablet in the treatment of infants and neonates <5 kg body weight with acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria Principal Investigator Dr. Christine Manyando Co-Investigators: Dr. Sebastian Hachizovu, Dr. Jean-Bertin Kabuya | Public Health, Clinical Sciences | The objective of this Phase II/III study design is to test the new artemether-lumefantrine dispersible tablet formulation to determine exposure to artemether, DHA and lumefantrine as well as its safety, tolerability and efficacy in patients <5 kg with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria. The open-label, adaptive, sequential-group design used in the study aims to minimize the risk by studying first a cohort of infants (>28 days of age, <5 kg) that is similar to the population already evaluated in previous clinical trials (i.e., infants ≥5 kg body weight, irrespective of age). | Novartis Pharma AG | US$116,000 | 2022-2024 |
29 | Efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of M5717-pyronaridine as chemoprevention in Adults and adolescents with asymptomatic plasmodium falciparum malaria Dr C Manyando Dr M Nambozi Dr S Hachizovu Dr JB Kabuya | Public Health | To assess the efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of a MERCK pharmaceutical molecule M5717 with pyronaridine as chemoprevention in Adults and adolescents with asymptomatic plasmodium falciparum malaria | Funded by MERCK pharmaceuticals | €200, 000.00 | Mar 2024- |
30 | Breath Biomarker Platform Development for Diagnosing Tuberculosis PI: Dr G. Chongwe Co-Is: Dr W. Chewe Dr J. Chileshe Innocent Chilumba Ngula Kabelenga Kabengele Siame Aliness Mwilaba Dombola | Public Health & Biomedical Sciences | To develop a non-invasive, rapid triage TB test for both adults and children | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation/Spire Health Technology, PBC | US$ 95,687.73 | 1st March 2024 – |
31 | Correlation of Laboratory Profiles and Treatment Outcomes in Bacteriologically Confirmed Tuberculosis in Ndola District: A Study on Lab-Tx Relationship. PI: Dr Webster Chewe Co-PI: Dr Gershom Chongwe Co-Is Dr Justine chileshe Dr Comfort Asante Dr Chitalu Chanda Ngula Kabelenga Aliness Mwilaba – Dombola Lombe Kampamba | Public Health | To investigate the association between laboratory test results (lab profiles) and the outcomes of treatment in individuals diagnosed with bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis in Ndola District. | TDRC | K32,000 | 1st Jan 2024 – |
32 | A Retrospective Study of the Outcomes of Patients Presenting with Advanced HIV Disease at Ndola Teaching Hospital PI: Dr Chitalu Chanda Co-PI: Dr Gershom Chongwe Co-Is Dr Justine chileshe Dr Comfort Asante Dr Webster Chewe Ngula Kabelenga Aliness Mwilaba – Dombola Lombe Kampamba | Public Health | To assess and analyze the clinical outcomes of patients with AHD presenting at Ndola Teaching Hospital, with a focus on evaluating the effectiveness of treatment protocols, patient response to interventions, and overall prognosis. | TDRC | K20,000 | 1st January 2024 – |
33 | Family Connections cluster RCT in Zambia: Impact of a youth and caregiver intervention on virologic status among HIV-positive youth (ages 15-21) PI: Dr Chongwe | Public Health & Biomedical Sciences | Assess the impact of Family Connections on achieving undetectable VL (<20 copies/mL) among AYA. A cluster randomized controlled trial will be conducted comparing 200 pairs of AYA and caregivers at 10 intervention clinics versus 200 pairs at 10 control clinics (n=800 total: 400 AYA, 400 caregivers). | NIH | US$695,381.70 | 1st November 2023 – |